Barbara Evans


Independent advice and consultancy services in

  • Sanitation
  • Hygiene
  • Water Supply
  • Poverty and Development

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BARBARA ELVY EVANS                 


Senior Lecturer, Water Engineering and Evironment
School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds




·       International Development and Program Management

Management and impact evaluation of development programmes

Development of local and international partnerships, consumer consultation and dialogue

Recruitment and management of multi-disciplinary international project teams

Identification and development of financing for development activities


·       Environmental Sanitation and Water for the Urban Poor

Identification of appropriate water and sanitation services for low-income communities

Identification and promotion of pro-poor reforms and appropriate institutional and financial arrangements for service delivery

Design of pro-poor Public-Private and Public-Public transactions in water and sanitation

Capacity building for local government, utilities and civil society for effective delivery of services to low income communities


·       Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene

Identification of appropriate financial and institutional arrangements for service delivery in rural areas


·        Output-based subsidy projects and programs

Identification and design of output based-susbsidies

Preparation of project and bidding documents


·       Capacity Building and Communication

Design and facilitation of capacity building programs for multiple stakeholders

Design, management and facilitation of international and national development fora


Professional and Academic Qualifications:

Chartered Engineer

Member of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management

MSc(distn) Development Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1995

BEng(hons) Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, 1987



English: mother tongue;   French, Spanish, Hindi:  basic working knowledge

Countries of Experience:

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Egypt, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Sudan, UK, Vietnam

Regional Experience:

East and southern Africa, South Asia, Latin America, Middle East, North Africa, South-east Asia



Recent Publications

2010          Konradsen, F., W. van der Hoek, and B. Evans Building commitment for sanitation in a fragmented institutional landscape in Reaching the MDG Target for Sanitation in Africa - A Call for Realism, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark ISBN: 978-87-7087-299-7

2010          Evans, B. J. Bjerre, M. Calopietro, A. Peal and F. Konradsen Hooked on Sanitation Subsidies in Reaching the MDG Target for Sanitation in Africa - A Call for Realism, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark ISBN: 978-87-7087-299-7

2010          Rheinländer, T., B. Evans, W. van der Hoek , A. Peal and F. Konradsen Challenges in Supporting Hygiene Behaviour Change in Reaching the MDG Target for Sanitation in Africa - A Call for Realism, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark ISBN: 978-87-7087-299-7

2010          van der Hoek, W., B. Evans, J. Bjerre, M. Calopietro and  F. Konradsen Measuring Progress in Sanitation  in Reaching the MDG Target for Sanitation in Africa - A Call for Realism, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark ISBN: 978-87-7087-299-7

2009          Public Funding for Sanitation - the Many Faces of Sanitation Subsidies Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Geneva, Switzerland

2009          Adapting to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia Waterlines Vol 28 No3 July 2009

2008          WASH Coalition Building Guidelines - An Introductory Guide for National Coordinators and Coalition Members Barbara Evans, Carolien van der Voorden and Ken Caplan, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Geneva, Switzerland

2008          WASH Coalition Building Guidelines – An Introductory Guide for National Coordinators and Coalition Members Barbara Evans, Carolien van der Voorden and Ken Caplan, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Geneva, Switzerland

2008          Fluid Dynamics - Achieving greater progress on aid effectiveness in the water sector—lessons from three countries  Katharine Welle (lead author), Josephine Tucker, Barbara Evans, Suzi Owusu, Overseas Development Institute, for DFID
2008          Adapting to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia: Background Paper on Water Supply and Sanitation Michael Webster and Barbara Evans, World Bank ECCSD
2007           Urban Sanitation - Politics in a Dirty World Stockholm Water Front  Issue No, 4, December 2007
2007           Understanding the Urban Poor's Vulnerabilities in Water Supply and Sanitation Centre for Urban Studies (July 2007), Paper prepared for Rockerfeller Foundation Urban Summit, Bellagio, Italy.
2006           Business Development Services for Community-managed Small Water Enterprises  Meera Mehta, Kameel Virjee, Barbara Evans and King'ori Wathobio, WSP-Africa
2006           Financing Sanitation - looking for new approaches Waterlines Vol 25 No 2 October 2006
2006           Sanitation 21: Simple Approaches to Complex Sanitation - A Draft Framework for Analysis International Water Association (2006) with Darren Saywell and the Sanitation 21 Task Force.
2006           Sanitation 21: An Initiative to Support Urban Sanitation Planning Water 21, International Water Association, December 2006 (with Darren Saywell)
2005          Water Supply and Sanitation – Services for Low-income Urban Communities: Good Practice Paper (2006) DANIDA
2005          Rural Water and Sanitation in Budget Support – Guidelines for Task Managers Param Iyer, Barbara Evans, Jason Cardosi, Norman Hicks (2005) World Bank
2005          Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation – Policy Implications for Meeting the MDGs (2005) UN Habitat (mimeo)
2005          Securing Sanitation: The Compelling Case to Address the Crisis (2005) SIWI, WHO
2004          The Partnership Paperchase – Structuring Partnership Agreements in Water and Sanitation in Low-income Communities Barbara Evans, Joe McMahon and Ken Caplan,   BPD (2004)
2004          The Sanitation ChallengeTurning Commitment into Reality World Health Organisation, UNICEF, UN Habitat, UNEP (2004)
2004          Whatever Happened to Sanitation?: Practical Steps to Achieve a Core Development Goal Millennium Project Task Force Water and Sanitation (2004)
2004          Closing the Sanitation Gap: The Case for Better Public Funding of Sanitation and Hygiene OECD Roundtable on Sustainable Development (2004) Barbara Evans, Laurence Haller, Guy Hutton
2004          Sanitation: Status of Progress Towards Implementation Background Paper for the 12th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (2004) mimeo
2003                    Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion: Programming Guidance WSSCC, UNICEF, USAID, EHP, WSP, World Bank (2005)
2004                    New Designs for Water and Sanitation Transactions: Making Private Sector Participation Work for the Poor WSP & PPIAF ( & task manager)
2002          Serving the Urban Poor in India  WSP Field Note (Clarissa Brocklehurst and Barbara Evans)
1999                    Willing to Pay but Unwilling to Charge: Do willingness to Pay Studies Make a Difference? Water and Sanitation Program- South Asia

For a full recent version of my CV please download the file below.

CV (January 2009)